Account Management
For the TestNet environment, we provide a public account for quick testing. Check the CovenantSQL TestNet tutorial to find out the private key and config file of the public account. And you can also follow the next section to create an individual account with cql
Creating New Account
The sub-command generate
generates a private key file and a config file connecting to the TestNet in the specified directory, e.g.:
cql generate
Currently, the generated config file is pointed to the TestNet, we will provide options to generated config for Docker Environment later.
For a complete help message, check Complete Parameters.
Generating private key...
Please enter password for new private key
Generated private key.
Generating nonce...
INFO cpu: 4
INFO position: 2, shift: 0x0, i: 2
INFO position: 0, shift: 0x0, i: 0
INFO position: 3, shift: 0x0, i: 3
INFO position: 1, shift: 0x0, i: 1
nonce: {{973366 0 586194564 0} 26 0000002c32aa3ee39e4f461a5f5e7fda50859f597464d81c9618d443c476835b}
node id: 0000002c32aa3ee39e4f461a5f5e7fda50859f597464d81c9618d443c476835b
Generated nonce.
Generating config file...
Generated config.
Config file: ~/.cql/config.yaml
Private key file: ~/.cql/private.key
Public key's hex: 03f195dfe6237691e724bcf54359d76ef388b0996a3de94a7e782dac69192c96f0
Wallet address: dbb7d1ee90452b8ee9cf514540b8d14fe5b7a750cc0c2f3824db6c8b284ada95
Any further command could costs PTC.
You can get some free PTC from:
Public Key
Generate command also print public key (in hex string format) of the private key file, e.g.:
Public key's hex: 03f195dfe6237691e724bcf54359d76ef388b0996a3de94a7e782dac69192c96f0
This info is usually not used in common scene.
Wallet address
Generate command shows wallet address (in hex string format) and will store in config.yaml
file, e.g.:
Wallet address: dbb7d1ee90452b8ee9cf514540b8d14fe5b7a750cc0c2f3824db6c8b284ada95
Any further command could costs PTC.
You can get some free PTC from:
After get a wallet address, you may need to request PTC as above.
Complete Parameters
Sub-command Also see Common Parameters for Sub-commands. We will not mention this again in the later sub-command introductions.
usage: cql generate [common params] [-source template_file] [-miner] [-private existing_private_key] [dest_path]
Generate generates private.key and config.yaml for CovenantSQL.
You can input a passphrase for local encrypt your private key file by set -with-password
cql generate
or input a passphrase by
cql generate -with-password
Generate params:
-miner string
Generate miner config with specified miner address
-private string
Generate config using an existing private key
-source string
Generate config using the specified config template
Mine a Node ID
The sub-command idminer
is used to mine another Node ID of a private key (specified by a config file), (also check Node ID for details). e.g.:
cql idminer
INFO[0000] cql build: cql develop-34ae741a-20190415161544 linux amd64 go1.11.5
Enter master key(press Enter for default: ""):
INFO[0008] init config success path=/home/levente/.cql/config.yaml
INFO[0008] use public key in config file: /home/levente/.cql/config.yaml
INFO[0008] cpu: 8
INFO[0008] position: 3, shift: 0x20, i: 7
INFO[0008] position: 0, shift: 0x0, i: 0
INFO[0008] position: 3, shift: 0x0, i: 6
INFO[0008] position: 1, shift: 0x0, i: 2
INFO[0008] position: 2, shift: 0x0, i: 4
INFO[0008] position: 1, shift: 0x20, i: 3
INFO[0008] position: 2, shift: 0x20, i: 5
INFO[0008] position: 0, shift: 0x20, i: 1
nonce: {{1251426 4506240821 0 0} 25 00000041bc2b3de3bcb96328d0004c684628a908f0233eb31fe9998ef0c6288e}
node id: 00000041bc2b3de3bcb96328d0004c684628a908f0233eb31fe9998ef0c6288e
This functionality is usually not used in common scene.
Complete Parameters
Sub-command usage: cql idminer [common params] [-difficulty number] [-loop [true]]
IDMiner calculates legal node id and it's nonce. Default parameters are difficulty of 24 and no endless loop.
cql idminer -difficulty 24
If you want to mine a good id, use:
cql idminer -config ~/.cql/config.yaml -loop -difficulty 24
-difficulty int
the difficulty for a miner to mine nodes and generating a nonce (default 24)
mining endless loop